Tuesday, 21 February 2017

The contented life

“He who is contented is rich”- Lao Tzu

I have always grown up with a desire to feel content in my life. I think it is very normal, knowing that you are whole and everything is on point. I’VE learned ways to perhaps, reach that feeling, being in a state of ease, having an idea that every situation you are bound to be involved in, can be overcome and in most cases, it shall pass. There has been little in my life that has made as much an impact as learning to be content, with my life, where I am, What I’m doing, what I have, who I’m with, who I am.
Let me share with you what has really changed…

As I learned to be content, I leaned to be happy with a healthier food, and my health improved and waistline shrunk. I relied on a good book, spending more time with my loved ones. In this case, my family and close friends, I learned to be happier with who I was and what I was doing and you can imagine, I so no longer needed self-improvement books or programs. I really needed no new tools or systems.

I totally became happy with my self, with those around me and with what I had- and so did not need to strive to change everything, letting go of goals helped me to simplify things so I had less to worry about, less to do.  I’m no longer in a place where I seek validation or confirmation, that I am worthy from someone else. I have learned that myself.

That’s just the start. There is no way to account for the tremendous change that happens when you learn to accept who you are, when you tell yourself you are perfect just as you are, when you love yourself and everything about yourself.

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