Thursday, 30 March 2017

untold secrets.

I recently came across the most disturbing thing in my life, and when I refer to my life I am basically talking about my family life. Untold secrets.
You know how you would meet new people almost every day? Recently I just met this guy through a friend. What we had in common was that we listen to the same music, and this helps us to get along so well. In the process of getting to know each other, I got to know that he actually has been stalking me all along. I really had no idea that he has been following me behind.
Before knowing that, we once went out for a luncheon, around town. As we were having our conversation, I got to realise that he knows a lot about my family that I actually don’t. He started talking about some of the things that I have no idea about.
Most of them I really cannot disclose them, I feel like they are family matters. But what I have noticed is that, if I were to disclose them to my family, they could perhaps divide us, deter our relationship as a family and freeze the development on each one of us. There’s no question that family secrets are destructive, but it matters mightily when and how you reveal them, I tried to resist the temptation to handle them at transition times. In my own experience, however, has shown me that telling secrets in the wrong way or at the wrong time can be remarkably painful and hurtful.
The questions we need to concern ourselves with are, how do I tell a secret without hurting anyone? How do I know that the time is right? I have learned the answers as I’ve witnessed-sometimes with terror, more often with joy, and always with deep respect-families making the courageous journey from secrecy to openness.
I got to learn that secrets are kept or opened for many complex motives, from self-serving abuses of power to altruistic protection of others. Understanding the best ways and situations in which to reveal a family secret can help you decide when and how to do so.
Secrets sabotage, although we encounter secrets in every area of life, they are perhaps most destructive when kept in the home. Families are our support systems, our identity and ability to form close relationships with others depend upon the trust and communication we feel with loved ones. If family members keep secrets from each other or from the outside world, the emotional fallout can last a lifetime.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

The contented life

“He who is contented is rich”- Lao Tzu

I have always grown up with a desire to feel content in my life. I think it is very normal, knowing that you are whole and everything is on point. I’VE learned ways to perhaps, reach that feeling, being in a state of ease, having an idea that every situation you are bound to be involved in, can be overcome and in most cases, it shall pass. There has been little in my life that has made as much an impact as learning to be content, with my life, where I am, What I’m doing, what I have, who I’m with, who I am.
Let me share with you what has really changed…

As I learned to be content, I leaned to be happy with a healthier food, and my health improved and waistline shrunk. I relied on a good book, spending more time with my loved ones. In this case, my family and close friends, I learned to be happier with who I was and what I was doing and you can imagine, I so no longer needed self-improvement books or programs. I really needed no new tools or systems.

I totally became happy with my self, with those around me and with what I had- and so did not need to strive to change everything, letting go of goals helped me to simplify things so I had less to worry about, less to do.  I’m no longer in a place where I seek validation or confirmation, that I am worthy from someone else. I have learned that myself.

That’s just the start. There is no way to account for the tremendous change that happens when you learn to accept who you are, when you tell yourself you are perfect just as you are, when you love yourself and everything about yourself.

Monday, 20 February 2017


Communication is the foundation for sharing information between people to ensure that everything is understood and can be acted upon. Without good communication, missions fail and others can not help to fulfill the mission. Another reason communication is important is because you leave others out of the loop and they can not inform higher the proper status of what is going on. Communication as defined in the American Heritage Dictionary is the exchange of thoughts, expressions, and or information. This is the basis of all communications. 
Communication among individuals, teams, units, and organizations is essential to efficient and effective mission accomplishment. Two-way communication is much more effective than one-way communication. Mission accomplishment depends on information passing accurately to and from subordinates and leaders, up and down the chain of command and NCO support channel, and laterally among adjacent organizations. 

The Army has only one chain of command. Through this chain of command, leaders issue orders and instructions and convey policies. A healthy chain of command is a two way communications channel. Its members do more than transmit orders; they carry information from within the unit or organization back up to its leaders. They furnish information about how things are developing, notify the leader of problems, and provide requests for clarification and help. Leaders at all levels use the chain of command to keep their people informed and render assistance. They continually facilitate the process of gaining the necessary clarification and solving problems.
The downfall of communication can lead to mission failure and this can not be the case when the mission of any kind fails due to poor communication.