Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Recently I came across my kindergarten graduation picture. What a hoot! Wide grins showed missing front teeth, girls sported bouffant hairdos, and a frazzled teacher stood in the corner looking strangely relieved. But, as usual, the first thought that crossed my mind as I stared at the photo was “I’m bigger than everyone else!” In the centre of the back row, I stood head and shoulders above all the boys. The rest of the girls lined the front row, looking dainty and small
I was always one of the fattest girls in my class. But I battled with my weight for years, feeling like a large Elephant standing in a pond among cute little ducks and beautiful swans. While others thought my height was an asset, I felt so different whenever I am around my friends.
My weight has not been my only battle with self confidence. I have also warred against my loud voice, my extreme clumsiness, and my tendency to be bossy. All of these are attributes that others promised me were either blessings in disguise or “stages” I would outgrow. I’m not sure that either has proven true, but the battles are over all the same.

The battle within most of us struggle to feel confident in who we are. Whether our points of vulnerability are physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual, we all have areas where we feel less than adequate. When we focus on these insecurities, our self confidence wanes and we fail to live up to our fullest potential. Out of embarrassment, we shrink back into the shadows, hoping no one notices. Or we compensate for our insecurities by overplaying our strengths, i.e. making everyone laugh because we feel unintelligent. This can be regarded as sad.
I started feeling more comfortable in my own skin, as soon as I got in the higher grades in my High School, simply because I was starting to grow up and losing few kilos.
I've always have been a very active person, even if I had the most biggest curves. I was participating in netball and I would take afternoon jogs with my younger brother. I would not do those because of I am probably trying to lose weight, no.
But simply to try to be in shape and perhaps be fit.

I've always aspired to get in a bikini suit but there has been a voice at the back of my mind not agreeing with what I aspire to. last year my cousins and I went to Durban South beach. that was the most memorable trip I ever had.  arriving at the beach, I felt so confident. for the very first time I was wearing a bikini suit, and I did not give a hoot of what everyone was thinking Actually, people were minding their business. The feeling was so AMAZING.
let me take this platforms and say to those who lack confident about their physique, you are gonna miss out a lot whilst you still in your shape. Don't try to change anything about you. you are you and you are enough. LOVE YOURSELF

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